Blonde Brunette and Redhead
Oil on linen
36 x 108 in. (91.4 x 274.3 cm)
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Categories: 1990-1999, Large Paintings, Paintings
Keywords: Babies, Blonde Afro, Head, Laura Ashley, Red Yellow Blue, Triptych
University of South Florida, Institute for Research in Art, [virtual]
October 16, 2020
The Brooklyn Rail, [virtual]
March 27, 2020
Lisa Yuskavage in Conversation with Christopher Bedford
The Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
September 26, 2015
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston and Glassell School of Art, Houston, TX
April 5, 2014
40th Anniversary Lecture Series: Lisa Yuskavage with Claudia Gould
Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania,